I am due on my 38th birthday. Yes, that is
I can't do
What I am trying to say here, is that my projects will be fewer and further between.
That is Okay. I'm sure God didn't put me on this earth just to do projects. Sometimes I wish He had. That might be a lot easier...
Anyway, my husband and I
That's right. He hired a guy who used to work for him at his company to come and finish my furniture projects.
I have mixed feelings about this. I love to do things myself. I love the process, and most importantly, I love to look at something I finished and be able to say that I did it.
I guess it's pride.
On the other hand, I feel a huge sence of relief. Some of that feeling of being so overwhelmed disappeared when he told me that he was hiring help. I'm afraid if it was all up to me, this child I am carrying would be graduating from high school before I finished some of those furniture projects.
But, it also means I need to make a decision soon.
A paint color decision.
What color should I have him paint this dresser:
It was originally purchased to go in my sons room, but when we bought his bunkbed from Craig's List, it came with a matching dresser. So, this will definitely go in a little girl's room.
Can't decided between pink, white, and black. Or maybe green?
Here are some pictures of the youngest girls current room where it will most likely go:
You can see that it's mostly white, and light baby pink. (My oldest daughter has the bright colors!)
I was thinking the same shade of pink I did their play kitchen in:
...except that it almost looks white in this picture....
just imagine a baby pink. I think it's Behr Southern Beauty.
There is a poll in my side bar. I googled how to put it in the actual post, and it looked way too complicated. So, sorry, it's in the side bar. Please vote, and if you have a specific brand/paint color you recommend, (or any other advice!) please leave me a comment.